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Save the baby... save the world.

Prenatal and postpartum counselling and education is not just about managing ourselves as parents, but providing a safe, calm, and connected space for our little one to develop and be born in to.

The field of pre- and perinatal psychology is exploding and we are learning incredible things about how this first stage of our lives impacts our future and shapes our societies.

We owe it to our family to start out right. 

Pregnant belly

Classes starting soon!
April 26 - May 31, Wednesdays 6-8pm
Cost: $300

Maternity Meditation Class

Calm Birth

Imagine being able to return your mind and body to calm, in every stage of your birthing experience. This is the Calm Birth meditation method.

Prenatal Classes
S2F offers group classes that focus on t
he physiology and psychology of pregnancy and the birthing process. Topics include breastfeeding, nutrition, and all the things your baby needs from you.



Calm Birth

Includes 4 weeks of 1-hour classes.

Prenatal Classes

Option 1:

6 weeks of 2h classes

Option 2:

8 session of 2h classes (includes Calm Birth)

Personal Mentorship

Work one-on-one with a birth educator and design a program to fit your needs and budget.

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